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I want to look less saggy

Sagging of the skin and the tissues of the face is an inevitable consequence of aging. No matter what your sex, ethnicity or health status is, we will all experience a gradual sagging of the face as time goes on. As the face ages, all four of the main facial layers change:

  • Skin - loses collagen and it's elasticity

  • Muscles - the lifting (smiling) muscles get weaker whereas the lower face muscles (down-pulling) get stronger

  • Fat pads - the upper and midface fat pads lose volume leading to reduced support and shape . At the same time the lower face (jowl) fat pads get heavier leading to increased heaviness of the lower face

  • Bony - the platform of the face shrinks, leading to less support and a changed shape of the face

How can sagging be treated?

The cardinal sign of aging is a slow and continual change is the various tissues of the face. This leads to hollows, less plumpness and a visible 'drooping appearance'. The major signs of sagging include:

  • loss of the youthful shape of the cheeks - leading to a flat, tired or hollow-look

  • the lower face appears heavier leading to jowls

  • the appearance of marionette lines

  • the chin shape appears to get 'weaker'

  • a less defined jawline

  • the neck and it's skin envelope gets looser and saggier

We can treat the face holistically to counteract the signs of hollowing, sagging and deflation.  By reversing the sagging effect, we can create a less saggy and more youthful look.

It's important to say that as the degree of sagging worsens, the less useful non-surgical treatments are. There will come a point where the degree of sagging and loose skin is too advanced. In this scenario you'll be advised that non-surgical techniques can't be used and if you wish, a trusted plastic surgeon can be recommended for consideration of surgical intervention including a face +/- neck lift. (As per the AHPRA guidelines, your GP will need to formally refer you should you wish to have a plastic surgery consultation)

What areas might need to be treated to improve sagging?

It's important to understand that to improve the symptoms of sagging, we typically need to treat the several different areas of the face to soften the signs of heaviness. This is why sagging treatments often planned as two or more stages over a period of time and a larger budget is typically required.

Every face is different and so your face will be examined during your consultation to diagnose how best to improve your signs of sagging.

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