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Migraine treatments

Anti-wrinkle treatments work by relaxing muscles. Over time it was noticed that patients having cosmetic treatments who also suffered with migraines often reported improved headache symptoms. 

After various clinical trials, in 2010 anti-wrinkle treatments were licensed in Australia to treat chronic migraines. 


It's important to stress that this treatment is only appropriate for patients who experience multiple severe headaches a month that are interfere with their quality of life or ability to work.


What are migraine treatments?

This type of treatment is not for people who get the odd migraine - these occasional headaches can be treated with simple, over the counter headache medications.
When considering anti-wrinkle injections for migraines, the following criteria is more appropriate:

  • You suffer for 10 or more days a month with migraines

  • It has been occurring for over 6 months

  • You've tried at least three types of migraine medications without relief from your GP

Key features of migraine treatments


Coming soon

For chronic migraines only

Coming soon

Outstanding satisfaction

Coming soon

Excellent longevity

Coming soon

Downtime & aftercare after migraine treatments

Coming soon


Migraine treatment FAQ's

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