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Consultations for lip
volume & shaping

Lip shape, volume and the smaller details of the peri-oral area are a key feature of a woman's femininity and sensuality. 

Men can also benefit from subtle lip treatments, most usually with the aim of subtly enhancing the shape but not the size.


Depending on your age, sex, ethnicity and features, the technique, product choice and volume of product needed will vary.

In your consultation Dr Jake will create a bespoke plan that suits your overall features including your profile and the surrounding facial features. 

Why the lips? 

Lip shaping is one of the most common and popular reasons that patient seek a cosmetic injector. Done by a skilled practitioner, they can help improve your facial features and your overall aesthetic.


It's important to understand that a beautiful lip does not usually mean going 'big'. The result needs to compliment the rest of your facial features and this is especially true when viewing your face from a profile (side on) view and also when smiling or talking.


Lip treatments are sometimes combined with other areas including the chin or the anterior jawline to help balance your overall look. We've all seen lip where it just doesn't look right and Dr Jake will refuse to over treat lips if they don't compliment your look.

By law in Australia, we aren't allowed to advertise the brand names of any medicines, including the brand of any injectable products. There is an incredibly diverse range available but Dr Jake only uses the Allergan brand for lips. He is national & international speaker and teaches injectors how to best use these products.

Key features of lip shaping


New patient filler consultations + treatments = 60 mins


​Existing patient consultations + treatments = 45 mins

One size doesn't fit all

Depending on your ethnicity, age, sex & natural shape, lips vary hugely. Dr Jake will tailor your treatment to compliment your overall face shape and proportions. Sometimes only hydration is is  needed whereas occasionally a bolder look will be appropriate.

Outstanding satisfaction

This is a very common consultation and lip shaping is one of the most popular non-surgical techniques. 

Excellent longevity

Lip fillers tend to last far longer than patients often realise. Dr Jake will assess your fillers and overall look each time you see him but won't repeat treatments if they aren't necessary - this stops the over-done and puffy look, as well as preventing the risk of 'filler migration'.

Downtime and aftercare for lip shaping

Immediately after the treatment, your lips will be very swollen.


Due to the local anaesthetic used, you'll also be numb for 1-2 hours. It's important not to eat or drink whilst the lips are numb to avoid the possibility of biting your lips or tongue. 

On average the lips will be swollen for 3-7 days and this can make some new patients feel self-conscious until they heal. Lip shaping should only be done when you have a window in your work and social calendar to avoid this being an issue.


When the lips are swollen, they can feel lumpy and this again is a common and normal outcome for the first few weeks.

Bruising of the lips can occur and very occasionally this is more obvious. 

Lip shaping FAQ's

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